We create the greatest impact together
Our vision is to see children’s lives redeemed and restored.
– We want to seek justice for the vulnerable.
– We hope to give children a second chance at life.
– We desire to see children placed in families.
Isaiah 62
You will be called by a brand-new name, given to you from the mouth of Yahweh himself.
You will be a beautiful crown, uplifted in the hand of Yahweh,
a royal crown of splendor held in the open palm of your God!
You will never again be called Abandoned One,
But you will be called My Delight Is in You.
You will be called His Holy People, The Redeemed of Yahweh.
You will be known as The One God Loves, A City Not Abandoned.

Their Story
In October of 2008, a baby was abandoned in the bushes near the home of Tracy and Jonathan King just outside East London.
Police asked if the Kings could take the baby in for a few days while the case was investigated. The Kings run a local church in the area and their home is known as a safe house in the community.
Their lives were so positively impacted through taking in this baby that they started researching and found out that there are many more children in the same situation. Out of their own home, they started the King’s Children’s Home to provide other options for mothers who cannot care for their children.
Can we get a tax-deductible certificate?
Yes, we can send you one for your records.
What is the racial diversity of your home?
We have 98% black children, and 2% white, coloured and indian.
Do you get support from social development?
No, we do not. We are run entirely from the generosity of our sponsors and community.
How can I adopt or foster one of the children?
We can put you in touch with two reputable agencies who will be able to assist you. We do not manage adoptions/foster care directly. Please email us, and we will happily put you in touch.